
Combined Services Plastic Surgery Society Meeting 2012

Thursday 4th October

Venue: College Hall Officers’ Mess, RAF Cranwell

Academic Programme


0800 – 0830 Sponsors arrive

0830 – 0900 Registration

0900 – 0905 Welcome - Wg Cdr Wian VanNiekerk RAF

0905 – 0910 ‘State of the Union’ – Col Alan Kay RAMC

0910 – 0920 Deployed workload update – Surg Cdr Rory Rickard RN

Session 1: Extremity Reconstruction

Chair: Surg Cdr Rory Rickard & Lt Col Nick Bennett TBC

0925 – 0935 Major Trauma Centres; the Impact on Plastic Surgery Manpower and Implications for the Future

Maj Graham Lawton, Mr John Henton, Mr Jon Simmons, Mr Abhilash Jain, Maj Shehan Hettiaratchy, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London

0935 – 0945 BOA/BAPRAS Standards of Management for Open Fractures of the Lower Limb: Plastic Surgical District General Hospital Experience

Jeevaratnam JA, Fletcher JW, Khan MS, Salisbury General Hospital

0950 – 1000 Temporal progression of functional recovery following limb salvage of open lower limb fractures

Clancy R, Greenwood A, Baden J, Khan U, Bristol Royal Infirmary

1000 – 1010 Use of an external fixator for splintage of a pedicled groin flap

Sheena Y, McCulloch R, Evriviades D. Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham

1010 – 1025 Trends in the Management of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injuries

Mr. Anthony MacQuillan, Stanmore National Orthopaedic Hospital

1030 – 1100 Tea/coffee and visit sponsors

Session 2: Head & Neck Reconstruction

Chair: Wg Cdr Wian Van Niekerk & Lt Col Simon Hepple TBC

1100 – 1110 ‘The Guinea Pigs’

Dr. Sandy Saunders

1115 – 1150 Head & Neck Surgery – A Historical Perspective.

Mr. David Soutar, Consultant Plastic and Head & Neck Surgeon, Glasgow

1155 – 1205 Maxillofacial Prosthetics – ‘Only Skin Deep’

Peter Jeynes, Senior Oral-Maxillofacial Prosthetist, The New Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham

1205 – 1240 Management of Head & Neck Ballistic Injuries - Lessons Learned.

Gp Capt Andrew Monaghan RAF, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham

1245 – 1330 Lunch

Session 3: Facial Reconstruction

Chair: Wg Cdr Demetrius Evriviades & Wg Cd. Ankur Pandya

1330 – 1340 Epiphora in facial palsy: a case report and proposed guidance on assessment and management plans for plastic surgery trainees

Wheble GAC1, Clancy R2, Tan KH2, 1. Mountbatten Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, 2. Department of Plastic Surgery Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury

1340 – 1415 Noma – Ethiopian Experience.

Mr. Hiroshi Nishikawa, Consultant Craniofacial Plastic Reconstruction Surgeon, Birmingham Children’s Hospital

1420 – 1455 Facial Transplant – A Viable Alternative for Facial Reconstruction.

Lt Col Colin MacIver, Consultant Southern General Hospital, Glasgow

1500 – 1520 Open Forum Discussion:

Composite Tissue Allotransplantation and Its Potential Role in the Reconstruction of Our Service Personnel

Chair: Maj Shehan Hettiaratchy & Col Alan Kay

1520 – 1550 Afternoon Tea and visit sponsors

Session 4: Title?

Chair: Wg Cdr William VanNiekerk & Lt Col Tania Cubison

1550 – 1600 VEGF and CXCR4 can be used as immunohistochemical markers to predict whether patients may develop Metastatic Melanoma following primary tumour excision, independent of tumour thickness.

R. Price, 2D.B.A. Dunn, H. Rigby, 2D.O. Bates. Dept. of Pathology, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, and 2Microvascular Research Laboratories, Bristol Heart Institute, Dept of Physiology, University of Bristol

1600 – 1610 Mark Foster’s research – abstract awaited

1610 – 1645 Burns Resuscitation Decision Support.

Col Lee Cancio (US Army), Consultant Surgeon US Army Institute of Surgical Research, San Antonio, Texas

1650 – 1725 How the Global War on Terrorism has Impacted Civilian Trauma Care.

Col David Powers USAF – Former Director USAF Centre for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (C-STARS), R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Centre, Baltimore

1730 Closing address & admin instructions for evening dinner

Formal Evening Dinner

Officers’ Mess, RAF Cranwell

1830 – 1930 Drinks available from bar

1930 – 2000 Drinks Reception

2000 – Late Formal Evening Mess Dinner (Incl. Royal Air Force Band)